Privacy Policy

I. Who is responsible for my data?

The data controller is Curapath, with postal address Benjamin Franklin Avenue, 19, 46980, Paterna, Valencia, Spain.

If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data you can contact us by sending your request by mail to Avenida Benjamin Franklin, 19,46980 , or by email to

II.  On what legal grounds and for what purposes do we process your Personal Data?

Curapath will process your personal data for the purposes set out below, and consistently with the purpose of the channel through which you may have provided your personal data:

Sending you information (including personalized information) about the products and services of Curapath

If you consent, we will process your personal data to manage commercial actions, including sending customised information on products and services related to the sector to which Curapath belongs, through various means, including telematics ones.

Your profile will not be used to make automated decisions with legal implications for you or that will significantly affect you in a similar way (financial effects, denial of services, discriminatory, disadvantages compared to other customers, etc.), as it will only be used to ensure that you only receive communications with commercial information that we consider most appropriate for you.  

Category of personal data processed:  the e-mail address, telephone number and postal address shall be processed for the sending of commercial communications. The personalization parameters indicated above (demographic criteria, transactional information and inferred socio-economic criteria) will be processed to ensure that you only receive communications with commercial information that we consider most relevant to your interests.

Lawful basis: your data will be processed for this purpose only if you voluntarily give your express consent by ticking the appropriate box on the relevant forms available on this website. Please note that, in addition to any other rights available to you under data protection regulations, you may withdraw your consent, request to unsubscribe from any marketing communications, and not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling. You may also request human intervention in automated decision-making, express your point of view, have your queries addressed or object to such decisions. For further information, please read “What are my rights on my personal data provided to you?”  in this Privacy Policy. 

Use of cookies and other similar technologies

We use proprietary cookies and similar on our website. As a result, we process, store and share user information and personal data when you browse this website, in accordance with the purposes and settings made available to users at all times.

For more information on the use of cookies and similar technologies, the processing of personal data and on how to manage your consent, please visit our Cookies Policy.

Compliance with legal obligations

Your personal data will be processed to allow us to comply with certain statutory duties imposed on us as a result of our relationship with you by European Union and/or domestic tax, personal data, business, consumer protection, information society services, e-commerce, civil and accounting regulations. 

Type of personal data processed: your first name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, an identity (National/Foreign Id. Card, Passport, Driving Licence), large family status, group membership, details about your purchase, where applicable, data collected by the use of cookies or similar technologies pursuant to the Cookies Policy of this website or any other necessary information that may be part of our compliance duties at the request of competent control authorities.

Lawful basis: compliance with legal duties applicable to Controllers under relevant European Union and/or domestic laws and regulations. Without your personal data, the Controllers would not be able to properly comply with such statutory duties or fulfil any statutory liabilities arising out of the relationship with you or the processing of your personal data.

Customer Service

We only process the personal data that are strictly necessary to manage or resolve your request or application. If you contact us via telephone, the call may be recorded for quality purposes and so that we can respond to your request.

Type of personal data processed:  name, surname, e-mail, company name, job title and phone number, where applicable, or any other necessary information which may form part of the fulfilment of legal obligations or at the request of the competent supervisory authorities.

Lawful basis: We consider that we have legitimate interest in answering the requests or queries raised by you through the existing different contact channels. We understand that the processing of these data is also beneficial to you to the extent that it enables us to assist you adequately and answer to the queries raised.

When your request is related to the exercise of your rights on which we inform you below, or to claims on our products or services, we are legally permitted to process your data for compliance with our legal obligations.

Manage your applications to job offers:

We will use the Personal Data that you provide in the registration form and while you use as a registered user the services and functionalities of the Platform, to develop, implement and manage the recruitment processes, depending on the areas of interest that you mark and on the existing offers to which you send your candidature.

In addition, we may contact you by e-mail, telephone or SMS for an adequate management of the recruitment processes in which you wish to participate.

If you are interested, you may voluntarily select the possibility of receiving notices containing information on the employment offers that are published on the webpage.

Category of personal data processed:  name, surname, telephone, e-mail, CV, profile picture and cover letter, where applicable, or any other necessary information which may form part of the fulfilment of legal obligations or at the request of the competent supervisory authorities.

Legal Standing: The processing of your data is necessary in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.

Regarding the notices by e-mail, SMS or telephone, our lawful base to use your data is the consent that you give us on activating the box available in the Career section.

Market research and analysis

The Data Controller will disassociate your postcode and country as supplied by you on the forms available on this website from any other personal data to produce quantitative and qualitative aggregated statistical reports for market analysis and research. This allows us to assess our market positioning based on the geographic area from which products and services are purchased and to make strategic business decisions.

Type of personal data processed: your postcode and country information dissociated from any other personal data provided.

Lawful basis: this processing is required to satisfy our legitimate interests in knowing and understanding the geographical area from which our products and services are purchased. The Controller believes that no rights of their customers are infringed upon as a result of this processing. The Controller also believes that  a proper balance exists between their interests and those of their customers. By processing our customers’ personal data we are in a position to evaluate our positioning in the market, which in turn is necessary for us to make strategic business decisions and to improve our products, services and operational processes in our parks, resulting in a better quality experience for our customers.  The Data Controller also believes that there is no less invasive method to effectively achieve this purpose, as only basic, non-sensitive information (postcode and country) is used, as previously dissociated from any personal data that would allow the individual identification of customers. our customers may reasonably expect for their personal data to be processed based on their contractual relationship with us, on the specific information provided to them as part of the purchase or reservation process, and on the fact that this type of processing is customary in the services industry.

You can object at any time to the processing of your personal data or exercise the rest of your rights under data protection regulations by following the procedure described in the section “What are my rights on my personal data provided to you?”  in this Privacy Policy.

III. How long will we keep your data?

Based on the purpose for which we process your personal data, different retention periods apply as follows:

  • Marketing communications: Your personal data will be processed until you withdraw your express and informed consent, submit your request to unsubscribe via any of the methods made available for this purpose on our marketing communications, or until you exercise your rights of erasure, objection or not to be subject to automated decisions, including profiling. In all such cases, your personal data will no longer be processed for this purpose.
  • Use of cookies and similar technologies: Your personal data will be processed for as long as your cookie consent remains in force. If you do not withdraw your consent via any of the methods offered in our cookie policy, your personal data will be retained for the duration of the cookies or similar technologies installed on your device.
  • Compliance with legal obligations: Your personal data will remain blocked as long as Curapath can be held legally liable for compliance with its legal obligations.
  • Customer Service: Your personal data will be retained for such time as is required to deal with your request, complaint, incident or claim.
  • Manage your applications to job offers: We will process your data for one year.
  • Market research and analysis: the information processed for this purpose cannot be linked with the rest of your personal information. If, however, prior to such dissociation you request deletion of your data or object to the processing, the data will no longer be processed for this purpose.

When your personal data are no longer relevant for the purposes for which they were collected or if you otherwise withdraw your consent or exercise your right of erasure or objection to the processing, the Controller will keep your personal data duly blocked (identification and reservation of the personal data, adopting technical and organizational measures to prevent processing and viewing) strictly (and only to the extent necessary), to make such data available to the competent Public Administrations and in particular to the Supervisory Authority competent in data protection, Judges, or the Public Prosecutor’s Office during the statute of limitations period for legal actions that may arise from the relationship maintained with you or from the processing of your personal data and/or the legally established retention periods in accordance with European Union Law and/or domestic regulations. Upon the expiry of these time limits, your personal data will be physically and irretrievably deleted.

IV. Do we share your data with third parties?

Pursuant to European Union Law and/or domestic regulations Your personal data may be disclosed to the Public Authorities including, in particular, data protection authorities, the courts or the Public Prosecutor’s Office to meet possible legal liabilities or to comply with statutory retention periods.

The Controller relies on third party suppliers who may also process your personal data to provide services related to the purposes for which you are being informed, including, but not limited to, information security, customer relationship management (CRM), technology, legal consulting, marketing, customer service, professional services, and IT companies. These providers will only access your personal data to perform their services on behalf of the Controllers, following at all times the Controllers’ instructions and without ever being authorized to use such data for their own purposes and/or unauthorized purposes.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any of the addresses (postal or e-mail) indicated in the section “What are my rights on my personal data provided to you?” in this Privacy Policy.

V. Will your personal data be transferred outside the European Union?

In the context of the processing operations described in the section “On what legal grounds and for what purposes do we process your Personal Data?” of this Privacy Policy, if your data is processed in countries outside the EU or the European Economic Area (“EEA”) for which there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission, Curapath will ensure that your data is processed in accordance with European data protection standards.

To the extent necessary and to ensure the security of data transfers to recipients in countries outside the EU or the EEA, we will use international transfer agreements on the basis of Standard Contractual Clauses or other mechanisms that allow data transfer under data protection regulations, including the adoption of appropriate technical and organisational protection measures for the protection of the data transmitted.

You can obtain a copy of these guarantees by contacting us via email: 

Certain countries outside the EU have already been officially declared by the EU as countries with an adequate level of data protection and similar to that of Europe. This means that, according to the applicable data protection rules, any transfer to those countries does not require independent official approval or separate agreement.

VI. What are my rights on my personal data provided to you?

You may exercise your right of access, rectification, objection, erasure, restriction, portability and, where appropriate, your right not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling, by sending your request by post to Benjamin Franklin Avenue, 19, 46980, Paterna, Valencia, Spain or electronically at 

For consent-based processing operations, please note that you can withdraw your consent or object at any time to the processing of your data following the procedure described in the previous paragraph. Also, we would like to remind you that if you have expressly authorized us to send to you marketing information or information about discounts and promotions, including subject to prior profiling and analysis of your preferences via automated decisions for relevance, you may also unsubscribe from this type of communications by using the methods that will be made available to you for this purpose in each commercial communication that you will receive. Finally, please note that you can also tell us not to be subject to decisions based exclusively on the automated processing described above, or ask us for human intervention, express your point of view, raise any queries about or object to automated decisions by sending your request to us at any of the addresses indicated in this section.

VII. How have we obtained your personal data?

The personal data processed by Curapath are provided directly by you as the data subject through this website and/or during the relationship with you.

If you provide personal data of third parties, you agree to obtain their express and informed approval to provide their personal data to the Controllers in accordance with the provisions described in this Privacy Policy. 

VIII. How do I file and official personal data protection complaint?

We inform you that you have the right to file a claim before the responsible data protection regulatory authority, in particular, before the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Without prejudice to the foregoing, for any questions concerning this Privacy Policy or for any queries or complaints regarding your personal data, we recommend you to contact us by mail at the following address Benjamin Franklin Avenue, 19, 46980, Paterna, Valencia, Spain or by email to